Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Writers in Translation call for submissions

Writers in Translation call for submissions January 15, 2009
English PEN, Writers in Translation Programme, is pleased to announce the next call for submissions for the promotion and marketing of translated titles that adhere to the PEN charter. Books scheduled to be published in the second half of 2009 are eligible for this round. The deadline is Thursday 12 March 2009.

To apply to the programme, please, visit: www.englishpen.org/writersintranslation/aboutwritersintranslation/howtoapplytotheprogramme/

You can download the application form as a Word file. E-mail your application form to andrea@englishpen.org and post the supporting documents (outlined in the application form) to:
Andrea Pisac
Writers in Translation
English PEN
6-8 Amwell Street
London WC1R 1UQ

Please make sure your application reaches us before the official deadline. Late submissions WILL NOT be considered, as adequate time needs to be allowed for the WiT Committee to evaluate applications.

Writers in Translation is looking forward to your submissions!

If you have any doubts about the eligibility of the book you would like to put forward or any other questions, please contact me by e-mail or phone me on 020 7713 0023.
Andrea Pisac, director
Writers in Translation

How to apply to the programme
There are two rounds of submissions per year. The deadline for the next call for submissions has now been set for Thursday 12th March 2009. Books scheduled for publication in the second half of 2009 are eligible to apply in this round. Please fill in the application form (link below), and email it to us. Please post the supporting documents which cannot be emailed.

WiT Application Form

Conditions: Please read carefully
Only titles which adhere to the PEN spirit of defending freedom of expression or promoting inter-cultural understanding will be considered. NB: Applicants will be asked to justify how the title adheres to PEN's aims, as set out in the PEN charter

Titles should be published preferably within 18 months from receipt of application

Samples sent to the programme MUST NOT exceed 6,000 words

Responsibility for commissioning a sample translation for consideration by the programme lies with the publisher

The translator of the sample MUST be the translator the publisher is going to use for the final published book

The sample sent for consideration MUST be an edited version, even it is a work-in-progress

The acknowledgement 'Recommended by English PEN' must be printed on the jacket of the work

The acknowledgement 'This book has been selected to receive financial assistance from English PEN Writers in Translation programme supported by Bloomberg' must be printed on the introductory pages of every print run

A short statement about the aims of English PEN must also be published on the prelims pages

The name of the translator must be printed either on the front or back cover of the book

Any press coverage/reviews of the book MUST mention the fact that the book is supported by English PEN's Writers in Translation programme

12 complimentary copies of the book must be sent to English PEN

English PEN reserves the right to ask for additional information about the project.

Please read carefully the submission criteria outlined in the application form.

For all queries, please contact andrea@englishpen.org

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